Thursday, May 28, 2020

5 Keys to Mastering Employee Engagement

5 Keys to Mastering Employee Engagement If youre looking to  improve performance and productivity within your organisation, then you may want to focus on boosting your employee engagement. Your employees  satisfaction within their job has a large impact on their performance at work and by creating a level of mutual respect between employer and staff, this can result in improved commitment and loyalty within  the organisation and in turn a grown sense of enthusiasm for work . Disengaged employees cost American businesses an average of $300 billion a year in productivity losses, as unhappy staff are unlikely to put their full effort into their work. They are also more likely to start looking for opportunities elsewhere, resulting in high  recruitment costs and training of new staff. However, this can be avoided by following these five elements to mastering employee engagement, courtesy of our friends at Bonusly  and the benefits of an engaged workforce are endless. 1) Recognition: By recognising your employees achievements, they will feel valued within the organisation and therefore feel driven to achieve the best for the company. 86% of employees are reportedly motivated by recognition and 65% say that they would work harder if they were better recognised, so it is important to build employee recognition within your company culture to achieve the best performance from staff. By acknowledging  hard work  from staff, you will also reinforce actions and behaviours you would like to see more of. Employee recognition can be implemented in a number of ways, from praising  good work directly in the moment, to written thank you notes and gifts. When creating an employee recognition scheme it is important that all employees are treated equally, so that anyone who displays a certain behaviour will be commended for it in the same way. You also want to be sure that the recognition matches the effort and results displayed and show that you really mean it. 2) Rewards: As well as recognising outstanding achievements from employees, you may also wish to reward them for their actions. These can include anything from a gift card or lunch out, to a bonus scheme in place for when professional targets are met or at the end of the year. The most effective way to boost motivation and positive behaviour has been found to be with small, regular awards, that acknowledge achievements at the time that they occur. 81% of employees think that year-end bonuses are nice, but shouldnt be expected; whereas smaller rewards for personal accomplishments throughout the year are better  appreciated by staff, as they show that their employer is aware of their efforts. 3)  Culture: Building a positive company culture that employees feel happy and comfortable within, can be the key to maintaining engagement at work. A  combination of company values, systems, beliefs, habits and relationships are all contributing factors to the formation of a  company culture and although building a strong company culture is easier said than done, there are a few things that a leader can do to help create  a positive working environment; such as  respecting your employees and including them in business decisions, allowing staff a level of freedom, appreciating hard work and making work enjoyable. 88% of employees want a collaborative, rather than competitive work culture, so a level of openness and exchanging  of thoughts and ideas is a win win situation for both the employer and employee. Relationships at work play a significant  part in how happy people are at work and 70% of people state that their work friendships are the most crucial elements to a happy working life and peers can also motivate staff to go the extra mile at work. 4) Purpose: Employees want to know that they have a purpose within the organisation and that they are making a valuable contribution. When searching for a job, a key factor that people look for in a role is the opportunity to make a difference Millennial employees in particular are looking for this level of fulfilment from their jobs and 2/3 of graduating university students say that making a difference through their next job is a priority, even if it means taking a pay cut. By showing your employees how their work positively affects the company, they will be more driven to achieve their best and remain engaged at work. 5) Autonomy: Allowing employees a bit of freedom and control over their time can make them happier and more  productive. 79% of employees value feeling empowered at work and by taking charge over their work schedules, or the way that they wish to complete their work, employees can see  an increased job satisfaction. Lots of organisations have been introducing flexible working hours and the option to work from home as a bid to introduce a level of autonomy within their companies and 74% of employees reportedly would like a flexible work schedule. This may work for individuals  who work well independently and excel when taking responsibility for their own work; however others need a little extra direction, so it is important to make an informed decision about whether this would work within your organisation. This being said, by allowing staff the freedom  to make choices in the workplace and be accountable for their decision, it is likely that they will be happier and more productive.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How Soon Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How Soon Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career You just started a new job. You are bursting at the seams. You want EVERYONE to know. But … Are you wondering: After starting a new job … How soon should you update your LinkedIn profile? Of course … You are  excited. You really want to tell everyone. However, give yourself two weeks. Yes, two weeks. When you start a new job you definitely want to let the world know that you started and you want to share that news on LinkedIn. However, you will have a lot to do in the first two weeks in your new  job. Respect the job you took (and your contacts on LinkedIn) Take Two Weeks The people that need to know you started a new job will figure it out quite quickly. You, your manager, your peers, and those are really close to you. They will all know that you started a new gig. They will also know to respect that time so you can really focus on getting a great start in your new job. Updating your LinkedIn Profile When you do decide to update your LinkedIn profile â€" put in the information about your new job, your new title, and anything else that you think is relevant or salient. Food For Thought  â€" Set your LinkedIn Profile to update your whole network. That way, everyone you are connected with will know. Normally, I suggest turning this option off so you don’t spam your connections with minor changes. But this is big news. Share it widely. When you press enter be aware that your update will go out to your entire contact list (if you have it set up that way) and this is fine. Your friends as well as  people you know across your network will start to send kudos and congratulations to you. Which is also fine and expected. Updates Lead to Questions Many will also ask questions that you want to answer. You want to share your great news. Of course, this is a good thing.  However, you dont want to take that time in your first two weeks on your new job to respond to those comments and kudos. Not because they dont deserve a response, but because youll be focused on your new job. You’ll want to take those first two weeks to insure you are  really kicking everything off smoothly and in a strong fashion. Added Bonus  â€" You can use these two weeks to send thank you notes to the companies that DIDN’T get your services. See The Power of the Pen This is not to shut you down This doesnt mean you shouldnt update your LinkedIn profile. All Im suggesting is that you take two weeks. By then youre settling  into the rhythm of  your new job and youll be able to respond in a reasonable timeframe to the kudos and accolades that your friends will inevitably be sending you. By doing this youll be able to really enjoy the comments and respond to people in a manner that they wont think you are ignoring them. And, this small step of taking 2 weeks is just one more way you’ll stand out in your career. Congratulations on your new job. I look forward to hearing about it in two weeks.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Loans and Lenders Why You Should Always Compare

Loans and Lenders Why You Should Always Compare At first glance, the world of loans can seem intimidating. No-one wants to be in debt, but there are times in life where most of us will have to reach out for financial support from a bank or building society to make sure that were achieving our most important goals. There are plenty of great reasons why someone might decide to borrow money. For instance, you might want to buy a car that youve had your eye on for a while now, or you might want some extra cash for a wedding. Many people   take out loans to support their education, or   to help them buy a family home. Whatever the reason for your loan, its important to make sure that you compare the options available to get the best deal. Heres why you should always compare loan terms before you sign on the dotted line. Different Lenders Offer Different Things The first reason you should always compare options before choosing a loan or lender, is that you can get a different kind of loan depending on who you go to. For instance, while a bank might only be willing to provide you with a small portion of the money you need for a short period of time, a credit union might give you access to larger amounts of capital, with more flexible terms. Loans can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and each lender has specialties when it comes to what they can offer. This is particularly true when youre looking for someone to support a bad credit loan. While some organisations will completely avoid people with poor credit, others will be happy to help. Simpler Application Processes If one of your biggest concerns about applying for a loan is linked to filling out piles of complicated paperwork, then comparing your options could be the key to making life a lot easier for yourself. Different organisations have different application processes, and you can always check online for reviews and testimonials from customers to find out how quickly you can move through the loan procedure. While youre searching for information about the application process, remember to keep an eye out for other important information about the lender. For instance, are they reliable and straightforward? Are they good at keeping up with communication with their customers? These little things can matter a lot when it comes to making an informed decision. Lower APR In the loan world, the term APR stands for annual percentage rate. The APR is usually higher than the interest amount offered by the bank or building society because it considers additional fees, and the length of your loan too. Its worth comparing loans to find the option with the lowest APR possible, as this will mean that you spend less money over the course of your loan. Although its worth looking at things lilt interest rate and fees separately too, an APR percentage will help to give a more comprehensive insight into what you can expect to pay. Penalties and Fees Just as different organisations can offer unique loan products, they also have their own distinctive fees and penalties that a borrower should consider before making any final decisions. For instance, keep an eye out for whether your loan terms come with an early repayment penalty. This simply means that youll be expected to pay out if you find some extra cash and you want to get rid of your debt. There are various additional fees that can be hidden in the fine print of your loan documentation, so make sure that you read all your forms before signing anything. Common fees include origination fees for when you take out a loan, application fees, and even disbursement fees. Additional Benefits Finally, as the world of loans and credit becomes increasingly competitive, its not uncommon for banks and building societies to offer extra incentives to people who are willing to take out a loan. For instance, some companies might give you cash back on any legal fees you have to pay, whereas others will offer free gifts to help tempt you into taking a loan out with them instead of the competition. While its important to make sure that youre not swayed by any obvious bribes from lending companies, it makes sense to check the market to see whats available, so you dont miss out on anything great just because you jumped straight into using the bank account you use for your current and savings account.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How To Make Getting Dressed Easier Every Morning - Classy Career Girl

How To Make Getting Dressed Easier Every Morning We’re constantly told that we can have it all. By that, I mean career, relationship, family, and fun. And it’s true, we’ve never had more choices. It’s all up for grabs but anyone with a career knows that in reality, it’s not always that simple. The trick is to prioritize and whenever possible, make things as easy as possible. One area I would like to tackle today is your wardrobe. How can you systematize getting dressed and actually make it easier in the morning so you dont waste time. As career women, we know how important it is to present a professional and polished appearance. We also know how miserable it is to pick out what clothes to wear when you are in a rush and have an important meeting that day. This can be a challenge when we’re juggling several other things in our lives.  Because  lets face it, do you really have the time to shop? With a little bit of planning and few tricks weve learned that getting dressed in the morning can be easy and fun. So lets dive in. How To Make Getting Dressed Easier Every Single Morning 1. Plan Ahead on Sunday Night Like everything else, our wardrobe works best when it is planned in advance. Each weekend, make a mental note of your outfits for the week. Tailor them to the work day, meetings, and after-work events. You can then ensure that everything is clean in advance. Items that need to be dry cleaned can be done ahead of time. This will allow you time to plan different outfit combinations and keep your work wardrobe fresh and interesting. Key an eye on your clothes and take care of them and make a system to regularly stop at the dry cleaners so you arent doing it last minute. For example, set a routine so that every other week on the way home from work on Thursdays, you stop at your local dry cleaner. Its so much easier when this is all planned ahead on Sunday night. 2. Keep Makeup Simple If you have little time in the mornings, keep your makeup as simple as possible. I like to keep the basics on my bathroom counter so I can quickly grab what I need and do my makeup in the morning. I also have my daughter running in and wanting to use mamas makeup so its important that I get it done as quickly as possible. It’s important to get the basics right, and everything else will follow. For example, invest in a good foundation that complements your skin tone. Use a concealer that is a shade lighter for an even coverage. For the most part, finding the right concealer is a relatively simple process. No makeup is complete without brows. Make sure you don’t skimp on this area. Invest in a professional brow pencil, like the Anastasia Brow Wiz makeup. This will ensure a polished and well-groomed look. Wherever possible use makeup that has a dual purpose. For example, lipstick that can be applied to eyes and cheeks. This will save time before you leave the house. Catch up on your favorite  makeup tutorials and learn the techniques you need. As you get used to the techniques, you will become faster and able to apply makeup like a pro. Also, make sure you brush a layer of translucent powder over your face once you have finished. This will set your makeup and make it last longer. 3. Prepare For The Unexpected Weve all been there. You have a meeting in fifteen minutes and manage to spill your morning coffee down your blouse. These things always happen when you least expect them. Thats why it is important to prepare for the unexpected by keeping emergency items at the office. This should include a spare blouse, sewing kit, extra tights, etc. Also, remember to keep an umbrella in your handbag. You don’t want to get drenched in your work clothes, believe me! 4. Limit Your Clothing Options My preference is always to keep the least amount of clothing in my closet as possible. I limit the options so I have less decisions to make. When I walk into my closet, I actually get excited by the clothes to pick from, instead of how I used to dread my clothing options. When I moved into my new apartment, I took pictures of all of the combinations of outfits in my closet. I got rid of the clothing items that didnt lend themselves to multiple outfits.  I only kept what I wanted out and stored the rest in boxes in the back of my closet. Of course, I missed a few things that I had to go digging for but the most important part is that my closet is no longer cluttered. Its only what I really want to wear. I am a big fan of limiting your options and taking pictures of all of the options you can make with your clothing so that when you are deciding what to wear, you can just hop on your phone to pick out your favorite outfit. We know that it’s our ability to do our jobs well that really counts. Putting a few simple steps in place will help you save your most important decisions for your work, not your outfits each morning. What are your getting dressed tips?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Painless Tips to Write a Job-Winning Cover Letter

5 Painless Tips to Write a Job-Winning Cover Letter Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comWhether you’re looking for an entry-level job or expecting to make a career leap by applying for a plum position in a Fortune 500 company, a creative cover letter can brighten your chances of landing the job.When you’re sending in your CV/Resume for a position, you’re painfully aware that the bio-data has to compete with countless other CVs that appear almost identical in many respects. Just put yourself in the shoes of the HR manager and think of a harrowing scenario where you’d have to sift through innumerable curriculum vitas.You’ll have a hard time separating the grain from the chaff when every CV resembles the ones that you’ve been through. It is the cover-letter accompanying the bio-data that comes as a saving grace as it is one transcript that helps the HR Department or hiringmanager to figure out whether the applicant fits the bill.evalSo what goes into your cover letter will to a great extent influence your possibilities of getting rec ruited.1. Have a unique or different cover-letter for every position you’re applying toBefore you proceed to write an application, keep in mind that the letter is not your CV that you mail to every prospective employer. As mentioned in the introduction, your cover application should be original in every respect. That in essence implies that the epistle should be in consonance with or customized with the position you’re applying for.So, you should be prepared to write a new cover letter every time you’re mailing your CV for a fresh opening. Regardless of the manner in which you develop the cover letter, it should basically highlight why you deserve to get the job and be scheduled for a session with the employer.There are 5 distinct types or kinds of cover letters to choose fromApplication letterReferral cover letterNetworking letterValue proposition letterLetter of interest2. Correctly addressing the cover letter makes a big differenceA letter or any letter for that matter is a lways addressed to an individual or institution, and it is no different with a cover letter. Therefore, your job application letter should always include the name of the individual If you’re on a job hunting spree, needless to say, you’ll have to pen innumerable cover letters. So, after a while, a degree of monotony and mediocrity is bound to creep into your letters. However, you cannot afford to compromise on the originality or customization front. 7You’ll need to ensure that each and every cover letter that you create should be optimized specifically for the organization and the position you’re applying to.In order to create a customized letter, find out the name of the recruitment manager and start the application by greeting the person you’re applying to. Also, if you’re acquainted with someone who is employed in the firm, there’s nothing wrong in mentioning his or her name somewhere in the letter. Dropping an employee’s name might guarantee at least a perusal of your CV Another aspect that you need to pay attention is formatting. In other words, the manner in which you arrange or present info about yourself (personal bio, academic qualifications, extracurricular skills, and so on), as well as the presentation order (which comes first and what goes in at the end), matters considerably.The formatting doesn’t change with the medium you use to post your CV. So, whether you’re applying via the company’s site or emailing from your personal mail id, the letter should be formatted methodically, so that the employer can collect info about you after having a glance.5. Temper the letter with relevant keywordsYour cover letter should be written in a manner that the recruitment manager or employer is stirred into reading and rereading the memo. One good way of ensuring that the letter will get noticed is to temper it with keywords. Generally, there are three main types of keywords that you should remember to insert-recognition/contribution keywor ds, result-driven keywords, and skill keywords.Of course, you can turn to the Internet for tips or tutorials on how to develop a (job) application letter or cover letter but could be disheartened.Most of the suggestions are hackneyed and run-of-the-mill. This article endeavors to elucidate some simple yet effective tips that’ll go a long way in enabling you to write a unique cover letter compelling the recruitment manager to sit up and take notice.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

166 Matija Squire The Paradigm Effect - Jane Jackson Career

166 Matija Squire The Paradigm Effect - Jane Jackson Career Matija Squire is a talented young entrepreneur with a big heart and a desire to experience all that life has to offer.In this podcast episode, Matija shares her career journey from her early days as a young Mum at the age of 17, to taking control of her life and career at 19 by travelling to Japan, learning Japanese and becoming a Japanese teacher.She has also experienced corporate life in accounts and sponsorship coordination in Sydney, before deciding to transition into entrepreneurship.Listen to Matija Squire’s fascinating career journey, how she is able to manage her time effectively to be a great Mum, wife, and also build a successful business. Find out how her amazing business, The Paradigm Effect, came to fruition!As the Founder of The Paradigm Effect and now a well-known LinkedIn Personality, Matija has a strong belief in the power of owning your story and having an authentic personal brand.Matija loves supporting other start-ups and SME’s through her LinkedIn interview s eries and is always working on creative new projects, running monthly collaborative workshops on various topics from LinkedIn Branding to Emotional Intelligence and Leadership.Where to find MatijaWebsite @theparadigmauTo attract opportunities in your business and in your career, join my FREE MASTERCLASS 3 Secrets to Personal Branding for Career Success register today!document.createElement('video');

Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing a Successful Resume - The Straight Talk About Tips to Get You Hired

Writing a Successful Resume - The Straight Talk About Tips to Get You HiredSome of the most popular resume writing guides and workshops are about how to write a successful resume. These are easy to do if you follow the directions. The hard part is learning how to put it all together.Job seekers are getting smarter at selecting the right companies to apply to, by leveraging new information, by updating their resumes and other methods. By simply following these guides, employers will realize you have everything they need, and they will take you seriously.A lot of people go online to find the most popular resume design guidelines and give up in frustration. They don't put in the work necessary to get them into the interview. Instead, they skip to the end of the resume, where they list every criteria they know that will get them a job interview.If you want to get a job and you want to succeed in your job search, you have to start from scratch. Don't waste time re-writing your resume. Re- writing is time consuming, and it doesn't put any focus on making it unique to you. It's like trying to decorate an empty space with China or jewels and calling it a party.Just sit down and figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are as an applicant for the job. This will help you write your resume. You want to tailor your resume to match your abilities and experience to make yourself stand out.One of the most important components of a resume is to explain the employer's objectives for hiring you. You need to show them why you are the best person for the job. Make sure you can explain the way you will fit into the company.'Re-writing' your resume will just lead to more frustration, as you continue to ask yourself the same questions over again. The best advice to a resume writer is to let your experiences speak for themselves. Resume writing is all about creativity. Your abilities to show how well prepared you are for the interview.When it comes to your job search, it's about p utting in the work. The right resume skills are key to success. Re-writing your resume can be done by the most qualified person for the job, but if you don't put in the time and effort, it won't be effective in showing your abilities.